John Beall
John Beall
As an athlete in his 50’s, John has been involved in the health, fitness, and wellness fields for decades and uses his passion and extensive knowledge in every interaction with a client. Beyond his numerous certifications and training, he approaches each client as a whole, individual person and enjoys seeing them heal, become stronger, and healthier. John is committed to connecting goals with values, both from the perspective of a client and from the perspective of a business owner; ensuring his colleagues work with each and every person who comes into Rise equally and wholly. Using a visionary approach to welcome and nurture people means that you are able to genuinely assist them.
Since 1995, John has helped close to 20,000 individuals – an incredible number! By teaching his methods to his coaches, John is able to reach an even greater number of people each year. Whether you are recovering from an injury or trying to reach peak performance in your sport, John is able to help you.
In his spare time, John likes to enjoy California’s natural beauty surfing, snowboarding, competing in triathlons and riding his mountain bike in the hills, often accompanied by his beautiful & adventurous daughter and loyal sidekick Halle.

Master ART Practitioner
John attended San Francisco State University for his undergraduate studies in Exercise Science. He is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (C.S.C.S) and a Master Active Release Techniques provider (A.R.T.) and uses protocols from a wide variety of techniques including SFMA, DNS and McKenzie method. John is a master level manual therapist and rehabilitator.
Through ART John will address flexibility, range of motion, and pain. He has many specialties but has had great success with plantar fasciitis, frozen shoulder, and sciatica.
Master Personal Trainer
Your first session with John will primarily consist of analyses drawn from various models, such as, Selective Functional Movement System (SFMA), Functional Movement Systems (FMS), and Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization Training (DNS). From there, John will direct you through workouts tailored to your goals, your sport, current or past injuries and condition. During a session, John will also utilize his expertise in manual therapy and ART during a session to help clients gain better mobility success in movement and address imbalances in stability and functional movement.
John works with clients a minimum of 10 weeks, at least one time per week. This will ensure maximum progress towards the clients’ goal.